If a financial need exists, a family can contact either the JTAA Executive Director or Executive Registrar, or the Sport Director, who will provide the Sport Scholarship application to them.


Click HERE for the Sport Scholarship application. Once you have downloaded and completed the application, you can email it to the Executive Director and/or Executive Registrar for processing. Upon submission of the application, the Executive Director or Executive Registrar will review and determine if the scholarship can be awarded. The Executive Director/Executive Registrar or Sport Director will notify the family of the disposition of the application.


CONFIDENTIALITY: To ensure the privacy of our JTAA families and to ensure accountability regarding the release of any scholarship information, all information concerning financial assistance will be consolidated through the JTAA office and sport directors. Names of children will not be released to anyone below director-level unless the request for information is from a federal, state, or county government (including law enforcement organizations) or as a result of a court order.


JTAA, along with their families, is pleased to offer the opportunity for local graduating Seniors who have participated previously in JTAA to apply for a college scholarship.