Travel Basketball
JTAA TRAVEL basketball
Welcome to the home page of the JTAA Jupiter Jaguars Travel Basketball Program. This site has been designed to help the Coaches, Team Managers, Parents and Players communicate. Herein, you will find information on Board of Directors, Coaches, Teams, Team Resources (Forms, Online Registration, Trainers, etc.), Sponsors and much more.
We hope that your Sons and Daughters grow from this experience. Competitive sports are a wonderful venue for learning important lessons like perseverance, practice, team commitment, self control and grace in victory and defeat. We are all here to set a daily example of these life skills that will help our children as they grow and integrate into society.
Posted after tryouts. All Players, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Managers and Jam Coordinators must be registered with our program.
All practice schedules should be posted through the Jupiter Jaguars parent/coach communication app. Access to this app. will be available once teams have been selected.
Speak with someone on our board of directors.
For Coaches
Complete a Coaches’ Application, if you have not already done so, and return to: [email protected]
Uniform Fittings:
If a player cannot make the arranged fitting, contact Kristi Heard through GroupMe to make alternate arrangements.
Uniforms cannot be ordered until registration payment is turned in.
American Coaches Association; aka ACA card (click here to register)
ACA cards are for registered volunteers only – 4 per team
Registration will be available once all team fees have been paid
Click here to register as a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager and/or Jam Coordinator.
NOTE: All volunteers for your team must be registered – NO EXCEPTIONS
Complete this form and email to: [email protected]
Update this form if you add a player(s) throughout the season
Make sure you have directed all of your players to the ‘Player’s Corner’ of our website
Payment should be made in Cash or Check, made payable to: JTAA Jupiter Jaguars.
Make a check payable to JTAA Travel Basketball and list your player’s name in the memo denoting it is a donation for your team (i.e. John Doe – B4 Team Donation)
Customized backpacks can be purchased for $30
Payment: Cash or Check only (made payable to JTAA Jupiter Jaguars)
To maintain a balanced and competitive league, we do not honor requests for a player to be placed on a specific team, with a specific coach or player. Players are assigned to a team based on a draft system. Only coaches are allowed to attend the draft.
Given the large number of players that enroll each year and the limited amount of practice spaces available, we are unable to guarantee specific requests. If you have a potential conflict, please email your age division League Director immediately, prior to draft week. Regardless of any submitted request, players must be prepared to practice on the specific date and time assigned. Changes will not be made once assigned. Please see contact information for League Directors on the Volunteer Staff option above.
Many divisions fill up and close prior to this date. If an age division closes, players will be placed on a waitlist.
Space permitting and with enough volunteer coaches, if we receive additional player requests, we may be able to open additional teams.
Even if you heard that a division is currently closed, please sign up to be placed on the waitlist. As positions open up via player drops or if we have enough players to add additional teams, open positions are filled by taking players from the waitlist only.
JTAA Recreation Basketball has a set of general Policies, Procedures, and Rules which governs the overall organization. For convenience, there is a separate JTAA Basketball Rules document which outlines just the rules of game play. Everyone participating in JTAA Rec Basketball must understand and agree to adhering to the Policy Manual and Rules of the game.
Download Basketball Rules
For Players
Congratulations and Welcome to our Jaguar Family!
If you have any questions, please contact your Head Coach or email: [email protected].
All players must be registered with our organization, Jupiter Tequesta Athletic Association (JTAA). Jupiter Jaguars Travel Basketball is one of the many elite programs within JTAA.
Cash or check, made payable to: JTAA Jupiter Jaguars
Total Amount: TBD
Coaches cannot order uniforms (regardless if your player needs one or not) and will not have indoor practice available, until all fees have been paid by the final due date.
American Coaches Association; aka ACA card (click here to register)
ACA cards are for registered volunteers only – 4 per team
Registration will be available once all team fees have been paid
Click here to register as a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager and/or Jam Coordinator.
NOTE: All volunteers for your team must be registered – NO EXCEPTIONS
Make a check payable to JTAA Travel Basketball and list your player’s name in the memo denoting it is a donation for your team (i.e. John Doe – B4 Team Donation)
Customized backpacks can be purchased for $30
Payment: Cash or Check only (made payable to JTAA Jupiter Jaguars)
Jupiter Jaguars holds an annual tournament, the Jupiter Jam, which is the program’s only fundraiser. Proceeds from the Jam benefit the players and keep registration costs low. Parents/Families are required to volunteer a minimum of ten (10) hours, per player, during the Jupiter Jam weekend.
Jupiter Tequesta Athletic Association

Jupiter Tequesta Athletic Association
The mission of JTAA is to provide athletic activities for school age children of this community and to help all participants to develop strong, healthy bodies and minds; the highest type of sportsmanship, understanding of and respect for the rules; courage in defeat; modest in victory; and become good citizens.